
Gratitude is a funny thing. The more we embrace the opportunity to see the goodness and give thanks, the happier and more content we become with our everyday existence. In fact, the giver of gratitude feels a longer lasting effect on their self-esteem and joy than receiver does. Here are few ways to help incorporate more gratitude and in turn, more joy in your daily life.

 1. Practice present moment awareness.

The habit of being fully present and not wishing for something in the future or the past—but just being grateful for what is—can really shift your perspective. Catch yourself when that moment escapes you, and gently remind yourself to come back.

2. Keep a gratitude journal.

Make gratitude a daily habit. Every day, jot down ten great things that happened to you or that you are grateful for. Keeping your focus on the positive will really make a difference.

3. Find gratitude in your challenges

Gratitude is not only about being thankful for positive experiences. In fact, sometimes thinking about negative or difficult situations can help to really nail down what you have to be thankful for.

4. Watch your words.

You can feel more grateful in life if you are using more positive and more enlightening words. Words that stress you and make you feel worthless should definitely be eliminated.

5. 30 Day Gratitude Challenge

Start your journey to joyfulness with a simple 30 Day Gratitude Challenge. It’s a simple way to get your mind and heart in the right place. Download it here.

Annie Yencarelli